TVL Track: Home Economics

What Is TVL?

TVL strand helps students acquire job-ready skills.This Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) component consists of specializations equivalent to qualifications under garments, tourism, health, processed food and beverages, and social and other community development service sectors.

What Is HE?

HE strand focuses on livelihood projects such as caregiving, cookery, bartending, baking, handicraft making, tourism, housekeeping, dressmaking, and such. This strand will greatly help students find jobs immediately. These are the HE strand specializations you will get.

Choosing the HE Strand Under the TVL Track

A.Many students find it hard to choose among the TVL strands since it will determine their future career or college program. So, take this moment seriously. Read on and learn what TVL track strand works best for you.

Attractions and Theme Parks Operations with Ecotourism (NC II)
Barbering (NC II)
Bartending (NC II
Beauty/Nail Care (NC II)
Bread and Pastry Production (NC II)
Caregiving (NC II)
Commercial Cooking (NC III)
Cookery (NC II)
Dressmaking (NC II)
Events Management Services (NC III)
Fashion Design (Apparel) (NC III)
Dressmaking (NC II)
Food and Beverage Services (NC II)
Front Office Services (NC II)
Hairdressing (NC I, NC II, NC III)
Handicraft (Non-NC)
Housekeeping (NC II)
Local Guiding Services (NC II)
Tailoring (NC II)
Promotion Services (NC II)
Travel Services (NC II)
Wellness Massage (NC II)